Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wait for it!

Hello again!

Last night I went to the movies with a few of my close friends Heather and Cindi - Mommy to be again! Shannon was also supposed to come - but she decided to stay at home and give birth to her second baby - I guess we can forgive her that one! We watched Julie and Julia and it has inspired me to get back on track with my blogging! I am currently working on a kit from Scrapping Great Deals that I will be revealing on September 1st. I do have to say that my first attempt at working with a kit was more challenging than I thought! I loved the kit - but doing this has totally put me out of my comfort zone. I has made me rethink the way I scrapbook! I am used to having all the say in what I use for my layouts, but by using a kit - all of the 'say' has been taken away from me! I LOVED the challenge! Special thanks to Sheila (owner of SGD's) for allowing me to do September's kit for you! Keep yours eyes peeled for my reveal!